Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The current situation

The current park in Chelmsford is dangerous and unimaginative, since being built in the nineties there have been no positive changes to the layout. The floor, never particularly good due to the large amount of aggregate in it, has become rougher. The obstacles have sunk into the floor creating dangerous lips where they join the ground. Where the jumpbox was removed the indentations it had created were not filled leaving a number of potholes, that pose a hazard to users. Some ramps have deformed preventing proper drainage, leaving slippery puddles and others have broken completely. Although some measures have been taken by local skaters to improve drainage and by the council in fixing the ramps, the issues have not been fully rectified.

Attached are pictures illustrating some of these points.

As bad as the current park is we must not lose it without a replacement being in place. I worry that in showing all the problems with the park local councillors will decide the best route is closure "in order to protect us". There have been many rumours of the impending loss of the park the best known is that a foot bridge will be built over the parkway ending up where the park is located. A local councillor has spoken with the planning department and they say that this is "unlikely". The use of the term "unlikely" however seems to be bit of a weasel word. It is still not a concrete decision and until it is no decision on the skatepark's future can be made. I fear that this may be the aim of the council.

My cynicism toward the council is shared by many skateboarders, many of whom see the council as an enemy. Comments on our facebook group show apathy and disillusionment by many who have seen a lack of care and knowledge by the council too many times before. Issues like the removal of the funbox without any reasons being publicly displayed and the painting of the entire ramps including coping and rails with a paint that seemed unsuitable for even the surfaces that could be painted, have done little to foster relations between the two groups.

Chelmsford is now a late mover in the construction of a quality skatepark this does however afford us some opportunities as we can see the strengths and shortfalls of other parks.

More pictures are available here: Phil McEwan's Photos - Chelmsford Skate Park Current Condition 22/03/10

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