Monday, October 26, 2009

Update. 26/10/09

Today we hit 600 members in the facebook group. I've had a few replies about setting up a core comittee, but none from inline skaters yet, if you want your voices heard, get involved. We also received some information from Lib Dem Stephen Robinson as below:

Stephen Robinson
Cllr. Mike Mackrory met the council official who is responsible for Central Park a couple of weeks ago. He confirmed that future for the skate park site is linked to what happens on the old university site north of Parkway.

Part of the plan will be an improved subway connection under Parkway and this is supposed to be funded by the developer of the university site. The location of the new subway will affect the skate park location. The developer is also expected to pay towards improvements of the park's facilities.

There will be a consultation exercise at some future point to consider all possibilities for Central Park but as ever patience is going to be required as no time has been set for that.

Cllr Mackrory and I will continue to raise the issue. The Liberal Democrats do place a high priority on improved facilities for young people.

So the rumor about a bridge is replaced by the problem of a subway, however that consultation will be a great chance for us to get our message across. The money for improvements to the park's facilities may also be something we want to keep an eye on. If the subway goes where the skatepark is currently located and needs to be (re)moved that may be our chance to build something bigger and better to replace it.

There are now a couple discussion boards on the facebook group one for fundraising ideas and one for what you would like to see included in the park, this park and project needs to be something everyone wants so use this chance to have some input!

Skatepark Ideas
Fundraising Ideas

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