Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The cost of a new skatepark may seem huge to us but in comparison to the total spending of the local government it really isn't that much. They have money they need to distribute however we must show why our cause is the most worthy, there are lots of other groups out there fighting for a piece of the action.

The aim of fund raising is not only to accumulate funds to pay for the design and construction of the park, but also to increase publicity and display the level of support for the project.

At the moment there are a few ideas about how to go about this;
A sponsored skate, say from Chelmsford to the park in Brentwood. This would show we are prepared to work for what we want. By asking people to sponsor us, just as marathon runners do, we get the opportunity to tell them about the idea. I'm sure the local media would be interested in why there are dozens of skaters making a trip like this en massé.

T-shirt sales. The sale would raise money, but by wearing your t-shirt you would be publicising the cause wherever you went. These t-shirts could have the logo's of companies sponsoring the project, their contributions could cover the costs so that more of the final price went into the fund.

Let's make a video! The Chelmsford scene seems better than it has been for ages. A promo video would raise the profile of our town and our plight. If it was any good we could even sell it!

Before we do any of this however we need to look into getting charity status, so the money we raise actually has somewhere to go. If you have anymore ideas, feel free to let us know below.


  1. Herman has suggested a 24 hr skate, would be fun if we could work it out.

  2. Hey,

    My friends and I grew up skating Chelmsford in the late 80s and through the 90s. Just wanted to show support and I'll post up a link to this blog and the facebook plus details on the Monster Network blog/website. Best of luck with this, Chelmsford is a very prosperous county town yet is outclassed in skate facilities by towns (and villages!) across East Anglia. Shouldn't be that way.

    Also, if you need photos, footage, newspaper clippings and so on of the early ramp setup at the skatepark or skating in Chelmsford in general, etc (for example, to show how skateboarding in Chelmsford has been going on for decades) give me a shout.


  3. Not only should a skate comp be only for skateboarders but also for bmxers as there are alot of bmxsrs lookign for a better park. I know this as i am one of them. Bmx jam would get alot of interest.

  4. Bmxers need to be involved not just skaters as skater have loads of skate jams but i never know of bmx jams so can never go to any.

  5. As I have said in a later post, we will not be limiting activities to just skating, but because that is all we have experience with our ideas have naturally gone towards skating.
